Ok, your reaction actually has me wondering if you took my Zook comment seriously. Sorry, didn't know you had the patent on sarcasm. My bad. To whom should I send the royalty check? NOTE: this post is also laden with sarcasm.
No, I was gettin some grief behind the scenes. There's some great posters here who can be trusted with up-to-date info, intelligent commentary, and provocative insight, I'm not one of 'em. I'm here to obtain LSU! info, poke fun whenever the chance arises, and be a general wise ass. Kinda like a football team, we all gotta fill a role.... :tigereye:
Sounds like you need to do a better job with your written communication skills. Don't get pissed at everyone else. Learn and move on.
I addressed it with a PM you've apparently ignored, which I believe is the proper way to handle such matters according to the mods. Pissed? I wouldn't call it that, nobody likes newbies slinging red rep and dumb comments. Learn and move on? I've got 6 years and 2,400 posts on you here, how bout you settle down and learn. Take the time to read and learn about the posters you're interacting with before trying to "correct" them. And maybe try reading the entire thread too before being an arse, you probly would have seen the sarcasm post. You're gonna find humor, wit, and sarcasm all over this place, learn to recognize it so you won't get confused again.
Since it's you who's been gettin grief over your post, apparently you need to work on the delivery of your wit. Again you need to realize that the spoken word and the written word are not exactly alike and that what you hear in your mind while typing isn't always what come across to readers. It's pretty basic. Instead of simply accepting that there was simply a miscommunication between what you wrote and what other people read, you've gotten your panties in a bunch because a few people gave you a thumbs down. :insane: Stop :bncry:, and let it go.
Slacker I managed to grasp the sarcasm quite easily. That happens when you read a guy for more than one MONTH.
lsufan71 and andouille, take it to pm's guys, as 71 has already tried to do. enough is enough! get this thread back on topic and away from your little spat.