ESPN - Les Miles

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TexasTigers, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    You've got a point and I agree with you, but if history has shown us anything, it's that this team responds best when their backs are against the wall. Winning obviously cures all. In addition, if Mett can be a leader like we want him to be and we can consistently throw for 200-220 yards a game, with our punishing running game and defense, we will be a very hard team to beat.
  2. Randy70

    Randy70 Founding Member

    Oct 4, 2001
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    Miles getting raked over the coals over Kiel

    He's getting slammed from all sides. The following is an example. From Hawkman 77 as a response to a article.

    Les Miles slams Gunner Kiel

    Les Miles acted like a little b**** here. Crying over someone changing their mind when LSU (and most big programs) lies to recruits all the time, stringing them along, telling them how they'll fit in, then dumping them when a different recruit pops up on their horizon.

    Miles is a two-faced crapbag who doesn't like being treated the same way he treats others. Wah freakin' wah. What a douchetard.

    Bottom line - any quarterback worth his salt who watched the BCS Championship would have been nuts to go play in that "offense". The
    coordinators who helped Matt Flynn and JaMarcus Russell get drafted are long gone, and Les obviously got out coached from the moment the matchup was announced. Maybe Miles should look in the mirror, because this is his fault for embarrassing his university in front of a huge national audience.

    What a complete lack of class. If he'd wanted to show his support for his new guy he could have done that like an adult, but instead he acted like a little punk.
  3. west_tex_tiger

    west_tex_tiger Founding Member

    Nov 16, 2009
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    Randy, two observations/questions:

    1. Why would you create another topic when one has already been created for this exact subject?

    2. Why would you quote a random moron and present it as somehow newsworthy?

    Hopefully the moderator will delete this thread because it adds nothing to the board :rolleye33:
  4. TCUTiger

    TCUTiger Founding Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    It's ok..........Kiel will get the same type deal when he transfers from ND due to lack of PT and another Rivals 5 star bust just like Garrett Gilbert.
  5. Blue TurboDog

    Blue TurboDog GeauxTigersGo

    Nov 4, 2005
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    I haven't seen one person post this. The Kiel reference is followed by him talking up Liggins:

    I for one am glad he did this, he took heat for the grey shirt of Elliott Porter, but its okay for Kiel to screw over LSU and cost them Miller. Same thing with Davis lying all the way through, instead of owning up and letting Miles pursue someone like Briscoe.

    Basically he is selling Liggins, and pointing out that he is is own man, and he had the bravado or stupidity ;) to make the announcement the way he did...
  6. Herb

    Herb Founding Member

    Feb 17, 2008
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    Honestly, if we play ND it means we probably wind up in the Holiday Bowl or something. So, I hope we don't play ND and within the next 4 years we win a BCS trophy when it WOULD HAVE BEEN Kiel under center and Kiels is watching the game on TV instead.
  7. Herb

    Herb Founding Member

    Feb 17, 2008
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    F**k Bobby Hebert. Most overrated sports person ever.

    He had no problem screwing over Saints fans and going to Atlanta. While in Atlanta he did nothing but rip Louisiana, the Saints, LSU etc on his radio show after he retired from the Falcons.

    WWL should get rid of his stupid, neanderthal drivel.
    TigerTap likes this.
  8. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    It was the Saints who screwed Hebert over. He wanted to stay in NO, but the Saints tried to low ball him, so he signed with their biggest rival. They did the same thing to Morten Andersen.
  9. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    The problem here is Jefferson. If he had an ounce of talent throwing the ball or reading defense, the game plan wouldn't need to be so vanilla or conservative.

    Another example of a hypocritical LSU fan. The guy that wrote this probably was probably all over the message boards saying the same things about Crowton as he is about Miles, yet he's solely responsible for Flynn and Russell getting drafted? Whatever...
  10. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I get what you guys are saying. Here's the thing....we're talking about a 55-year old man, publicly criticizing an 18-year old kid. Was the kid wrong? Absolutely. He gave Les a verbal commitment, and if he wanted to back out on that, fine. At least be man enough to get on the phone and tell the man that you're backing out. It was the way he handled the matter that is leading Miles to question his "chest", IMO.

    And I know Miles was speaking for the gratification of the folks at the Bash, who are disappointed that the "wow factor" is not there in this class, even if the addressing of needs is. He didn't think he was going to be quoted. But the world doesn't work that way anymore. Thanks to the social network, every person you talk to is capable of outing you in the public eye. He should have known that. He should also know that in the public eye, looking at the 55-year old man vs 18-year old kid aspect, the media is going to portray the kid as the victim, and the public is going to eat that up. Check out the comment section on espn for proof of this.

    I agree with what Miles said, but it was not a smart move to say it.

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