ESPN - Les Miles

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TexasTigers, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. ASD


    Jun 6, 2011
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    It is both and quit with the let it go stuff. I'm not confused about what I said so there is no need to pretend like you caught me tripping over my words. I'm not walking around talking about it in public. I'm on a forum. Thats what this is for. Our knuckle head coach got himself all over the news for taking a pot shot at an 18 year old. I will say and feel how I please. Go to bed every night staring up at your Les Miles poster hanging over your bed if you want. You read one comment and think I'm clinging to the 9th. I'm not. We still have the same coach as we did on the 9th right? yes? then it is relevant. Dont respond to my post if you dont have something worth saying. I have to do it sometimes too. Spare me the "let it go brother". I respect your opinion but thats condescending and I'm not a crazy ranter. Its not complaining when I bring up the 9th when it is within the context of the conversation. I didnt start the thread and I didnt ask Les to embarrass himself on TV. Les has no business saying what he said about an OOS kid. As if Liggins is coming all the way from Cali to "lead the program". Its Mississippi. Les never went far from home to go to college and has no place trying to gain favor with the crowd by knocking the character of an 18 year old who considered doing it. What he said made him look like a huge prick. It doesnt matter why he decided not to come. It sucks about Miller. It does. It still doesnt justify it. you may not feel it but that is embarrassing for he and LSU. Les made himself an easy target on the 9th and this does not help him with recruits and their families.
  2. ASD


    Jun 6, 2011
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    BS. It would still piss me off. Thats is a stupid assumption. I'm an LSU fan. Not exclusively a Les Miles fan. If you think that so many people are still pissed because we didnt WIN the game then we are obviously on the wrong page. I'm not a poor sport. It wasnt that we lost.
  3. Sat62183

    Sat62183 Veteran Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    I have no problem with what Les Miles said everyone wants to say "He's a grown man picking on a kid". He's not a kid anyone and I don't blame Miles for being ticked off a little YOU commit to a school and then make them give up a recruit that they wanted to make room for you I mean they did it just for YOU and how do you think them by not even having the balls to call and let them know you changed your mind. I mean he had plenty of time to let them know he changed his mind before going to ND he just took a douchebag way out of it. Kiel is old enough to know what he did Les Miles is just defending his company(football team) like a boss(coach) would any other place.
  4. ASD


    Jun 6, 2011
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    Thats great that you like that ra ra crowd pleasing stuff but it was still stupid. Thats the stuff that fans say. YOU may not care but what about the next QB we recruit? think his family may have something to say about it? You think that every single kid we recruit wont be shown that video at some point? How can there be a debate that what he said was remotely appropriate. This is absolutely NOTHING like a boss defending his company. The Kiels didnt attack Les' "company"
  5. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Question and no one may even know the right answer.

    But did Kiel even call LSU ? Or did he simply not show up and didnt say anything to anyone until he showed up at ND ?

    If he called Les and said "Listen coach I really had second thoughts and I dont think I can leave home, etc etc"

    Or was it literally LSU found out during roll call and was doing the "Kiel.... Kiel..... Kiel... .Bueller..... Bueller......."
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  6. southerntgr

    southerntgr Veteran Member

    Sep 26, 2011
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  7. rockwallfan

    rockwallfan Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    High level leaders have to be able to keep certain things close to the chest because history tells us being honest but politically incorrect oftentimes does more harm than good. If you are a person with several decades under your belt you probably already know this to be true because you've lived through several such situations, or have witnessed leaders suffer the consequences. This wasn't a "safe" environment. A "safe" environment under these circumstances would've been one without any recording device that the masses could later listen to. It may have made CLM feel good in the moment, but I believe he probably regrets the decision to "be real" here.

    I have no idea what went on with our team leading up to the NCG to now, but I'm concerned because not many good things have happened to our program since that performance. I have my theories, but can't back them up so I won't even go there. The start of next season can't come fast enough for me!
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  8. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Welcome to the beginning of the end folks. All downhill from here.

    Wish I was wrong, hope I'm wrong... but I'm not!
  9. ASD


    Jun 6, 2011
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    I think he may have gone Bueller on them. LSU was still saying they expected him on campus very close to the time that it was reported that he was headed to ND. Very close.
  10. LSU Engineer

    LSU Engineer Unnamed Source

    Dec 26, 2004
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    I am tired of the LSU fan base these days. They lost a big game I get it -- i was just as bummed out for a week as all fans were All this disention among LSU fans is going to tear the program apart. It seems one poor game has made the entire fan base turn on Les. With all the negativity, I just feel it is going to cause the program to take a nose dive. I have never seen a coach with Les' record be denigrated by its own fans as much as Les. I hope the negativity turns around or we are headed for dark days. At least I got to see a national championship during our good years. God forbid we lose a game next year we might as well fire Les now at least the fan base would at least say something positive about a 13-1 season.

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