It's all completely ridiculous. How any adults can stand by what Les said WHERE he said it is a joke. It's not like we are screaming for him to be fired but It was a stupid thing to say. It was the low road. It doesn't matter if Kiel needed to hear it. If he needed to hear it, then call up the Kiel family and address Mr Kiel. How can this need to be explained to adults. We will see if this is the last we hear of it when every other school plays that vid for a recruit. Kiel and his fam didn't handle it right but the Liggins context does not make what les said right. Nothing good comes from what Les said. Yaayyy the people in the room got excited!! Yaayyyy! Totally worth our coach getting bashed in the national media. Awesome. Totally the right thing to do. We have had such an awesome month. This is just the thing to turn things around. It was immediate gratification. That's all. This isn't the lord of the flies. Les is a grown man. s
I see where you are coming from and I think your point is valid, but man, we don't know who Les was talking to, we don't know who shot the video, he may have been talking to a booster that donates tons of money to TAF. He obviously would have never said anything of the sort had he known he was being filmed. That's the first time any of us have ever heard Les say anything remotely close to what he was feeling about a certain topic.
I disagree. I really hope so but I disagree. It doesn't matter that the average fan thinks it was ok. At all. That fan probably isn't the parent of a football prospect. It also doesn't matter if we as fans hear about it again. Recruits and their families will hear and see that clip many times. It made him look foolish.
You know its really silly that people are debating this. All the other coaches seem to pull stunts,say the wrong thing, or do something totally stupid and it seems to be fine with the media.Saban,Brown,Kelly,etc are doing the same things at their schools. But when Miles does it, he is an idiot,or said something he shouldn't have. Get over it. He is our coach and who gives a rats ass what he says or does. If the guy didn't want to play here and pulled some crap, he deserves what ever he gets.This is LSU and we play big boy football.:geaux:
Phuck what everyone else thinks. They don't like Miles and probably LSU anyways so what's the damn difference? Phuck em. Luckily for Les Miles, he doesn't have to explain himself to little jimmys everywhere. He explains his actions, or lack of, however you want to view it, to the Athletic Director and The Board of Trustees.
it was at the bash. here is what i got out of it... kiel told our coaches when he committed that he wanted to "come lead the team". when it came down to it, he didnt have what it took because he couldnt leave home and didnt show up. the other qb which we were pursuing was advised by the coach not to announce in the middle of oxford he was coming to lsu, but told our coach those were his people and his home so that is where he wanted to make the announcement. he stood up and proved he had to cajones to lead a team. mile stood up and said one qb didnt have what it took to lead a team and went on to explain why the other did. those are all facts. if clm had worded it differently it might not have caused all the wadded panties, even tho it was not to the media, but to an audience at a paid and private pep rally. so now there is fallout, some understandable, some blown so far out of proportion is has reached the absurd level. it is done and all that can be done is explaining the thought process and (if needed) apologizing for wording it poorly. even tho he was absolutely correct in his assessment, it was a poor way to word it. the saddest part is what some other coaches did that day to truly screw over kids, and that is being ignored. media is selective about what it chooses to be indignant about. i'm done.
15 or so years ago, Bill Clinton had an affair with an intern. Newt was one of the leaders trying to get him impeached while having an affair of his own. These days Clinton is considered a great president and Newt had had a pretty successful campaign. The American public does not hold people accountable very well and remembers little. Plus, I think you are far overestimating the play this will get in the media. It just isn't that interesting to the average fan. Hell, it bores me already. I can't imagine other coaches using this against Les. What are they going to say??? You lie to Les and he will call you out at the Bayou Bash. Not very compelling.
The only thing that will come out of this is if one day Kiel becomes a top notch QB and is leading ND to a BCS game or something like that. He will bring it up or Kelly and say "A certain coach in the South didnt think I can lead a team" type thing. otherwise aside from our rival fans for calling our coach classless on message boards and lets face it everyone hates Miles because he had the best record in football last year and hell even half our own fans do. This is nothing new.
Les could have done worse........ [ame=]Saban gives McCarron an ear full - YouTube[/ame] [ame=]Taylor Martinez gets chewed out by his coach Bo Pelini! - YouTube[/ame]