I love going gump fishing. I always load the boat. I even caught a trophy gump this time. His first post was to get back at ME! I love it. When you say hey mr. Gump you get their attention. Sorta like the rattle in a rattletrap. Then you call them a bitch and say lsu owns their arse they get real aggresive. Last you tell them to live it, love it and suck it they hit the bait hard and bam you gotta gump on the hook! I love baiting gump trolls. It's great. It's fun as hell. Maybe I can get another bite. Phuck you gump! Here gumpy gumpy gumpy, come and get it, bitch! Enjoy watching your masters play today! I got the slack reeled in and I'm ready to set the hook!
Hell, now the pandering prick is on the CBS pre-game. Never thought Brando would stoop so low. I'd rather have to go bail my 16 year old daughter out of jail than have to watch lil' nickie play his games.
Isn't it just wonderful to not see our coach begging like a little bitch in front of millions for his second rate team to be given a mulligan. It's great to be a tiger. Tiger pride gump disgrace
LSU vs Bama makes for better TV. 5.9 average compared to 3.1 with any other match-up. People will tune in for a rematch.