I don't know a single fan base that doesn't bitch about ESPN or think their team is getting dissed. I have done it too. Go to any team forum and you will likely see the evidence within a few moments. Implying that LSU is at the top of the list of whiners is erroneous. But I don't think LSU gets dissed on purpose. If you checked any team boards during the CWS, every other fanbase was convinced ESPN was sniffing our jock. If you watched any games, it would be hard to argue with that. LSU stories were constant and even shown during games we did not play. Our FB team got a tremendous amount of love last year too.
If you think the LSU fanbase is the worse for thinking ESPN is biased against us, checkout the Bama or Fla boards. I do think that ESPN has an agenda, sometimes it works for us (baseball) and against us (football) I think, in college football in particular, they have way too much power and influence
It's cool. ESPN apologized and will air the segment with the correct information Saturday morning at 1:00am on ESPN 360.
I just wasted 5 minutes of my life that I will never get back...but, I guess I knew this before I opened this thread :rolleye33: Anyway, Ive heard/seen/read ESPN giving props to the Tigers, in all sports, just as much if not more than I have heard them dis the Tigers...although, this wasn't even really a dis against the Tigers, so whatever. At least they are talking about the Tigers...free advertisement right!! Would you rather be Temple??? At this point, Id actually rather hear an ESPN Tiger dis than hear a proud Tiger fan complain about ESPN or Herbie or Corso dissing the Tigers. I like to actually act like we've been up here for awhile.
ESPN doesn't hate LSU...they just love USC! That's okay, many people are sold on the myth they call California. They'll be back to cover our games many times over. They know the quality of our teams, the atmosphere at our games, the craziness of our fans, and the beauty of our women! Judging from the direction our baseball team is headed, it's inevitable that we'll be getting a lot of attention over the next few years. If only we had a men's basketball team again...:dis:
Do you actually believe we are the only fan base that complains? Every college team complains about lack of coverage and incorrect facts. I agree with the Dude above. Of course, the way Miles slapped them in the face before the SEC Championship game, they should be a little hypersensitive to us.