You have just summarized what is wrong with your entire fanbase's mentality. "Claiming" you are a legitimate flagship university is like having to tell everyone you are the "smartest" person in the room. Need a better analogy? How about the 247 national titles the gumps "claim". #perspective
And the choir said..." Amen". With the exception of 4-5 golf tournaments, the only pro sport I still watch is hockey. Stanley cup playoff intensity is hard to match. I watch college football, baseball and some basketball. I will watch the NFL only (Saints, Bucs if I need a laugh) if I'm not doing anything else. College football Saturdays, I'm not doing anything else.
I watch a lot of different sports, but nothing matches college football,.. I've grudgingly missed Giants baseball games to visit with visiting relatives,.. but I just tell them, "no, I'm not going", I don't care if they're offended, I will not miss a Duck's football game
My viewing habits are similar to yours. Now that I'm retired I have more time available. I watch a lot more golf and since I don't watch many programs on network TV, I still watch some baseball. Mostly the Rockies until they went in the tank. I watch college basketball but no thanks to the NBA.
umm, ok, not hilarious,.. ... I especially love track meets,.. ... I've been watching women's college basketball going on four years now, like it more and more .. the Olympics are great, always look forward to them. watch these two little squirts battle
Two good things about Ew-La-La on game day in Baton Rouge. A guaranteed win, and more brunettes in short shorts to admire.
Besides College Football, the only other sport I can watch and actually not fall asleep is Women's Volleyball. They try to throw you off with the hand signals during serves but my attention stands pat. Eyes on the prize gentlemen.