The support wasnt the issue. This was quite a few years ago, at the onset of the "The UL" posturing. I honestly think they had it all specially made. There was no "of Lafayette" to be found. As others have noted, there is a profound sense of insecurity and inferiority among a growing number of their fans. It may soon approach Tulame levels...
I gotcha on the first part. On the insecurity issue, as I read some of the comments, I found it ironic that so many of our fans were whining about it. Seems insecure, doesn’t it? Not even gonna mention the fact that, in baseball, they not only beat us but also beat McNeese.
Considering nearly every major publication calls them "Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns" maybe you are the one that needs to get over it.
when I was at Northeast Louisiana University they were USL and that is what I still call them. That's like in Yosemite they have new names for everything but I still call them by the old names. And it is the agreement they USL made as part of the system when they formed it but they have considered themselves above the other schools in the system. Why I don't know cause they have never been anything special. There is one and only one school that is the flagship for our state and that will always be LSU.
You need to work on your reading comprehension. I already mentioned the one thing they can temporarily claim superiority in. If you comment that its insecure to point out someone else's insecurity, doesn't that make you insecure by your own rule? Logic > Irony
On its surface, the namesake posturing is pretty trivial. What's not trivial is the underlying goal to get a bigger piece of the fixed higher education budget pie which is pretty small by national standards. They had no shot as a second tier regional university, so they duped a few others into forming a ULA of "city" system. Then they promptly proclaimed themselves a flagship marginalizing the others.