I'm ready for big marshmellow type suits & helmets, where players weeble-wooble around the field. The added comedy aspect would be solid gold.
Wolverines wobble but they don't fall down. we have a serious marijuana problem in Oregon dude,.. overproduction https://www.oregonlive.com/marijuan...rget2box_default_#incart_target2box_targeted_ "The state's legal market has the capacity to churn out 2 million pounds of legal marijuana annually. Meanwhile, according to estimates, consumer demand ranges from 186,000 pounds to 372,600 pounds a year. To underscore the imbalance, nearly 70 percent of cannabis produced in the legal market hadn't been sold as of this year. Since 2016, the market has seen a 50 percent price drop". by law Oregon marijuana cannot be exported, that leaves two options,.. illegal smuggling to other states,.. destroying the excess product,.. both are on the rise. It's going to take some time for the free market to balance this. Or maybe it won't, the big wildcard is 'grow your own',.. I can legally grow 4 plants, which can easily produce 10 lbs of high grade bud,.. growing tomatoes is much harder.
the store I go to has only a couple strains of clones,.. but if I grew my own, clones are easy to make and share, I'd get em for free. Indoor growing is a pain, but seeds do need to be germinated inside, buying seeds in a store is too expensive, example, 5 feminized seeds $125,.. buy them online, with or without stealth shipping, I've boughten from this place, https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/royal-queen-seeds-hulkberry/prod_7491.html (click the USA icon, top right, to see US dollar prices) Growing clones outside is best, no big electric bill or expensive lights to buy,.. and it's no fuss easy, only worry is weather and grasshoppers, my buddy grew a 12' plant last year, produced almost 8 lbs of bud.
Drip drip drip American football is being altered https://www.theadvocate.com/new_orleans/news/article_95248386-4986-11e8-b2f3-174ebca5abc4.html