I don't know a lot about LSU academic calendar but this has brought up a few questions. Let's assume that's correct and he registered for English 301 and didn't complete English 201. According to the progress mandated by the NCAA he'd need that 201 class to fulfill his academic progress. So, he missed it and now he's suspended. Does LSU not have advanced classes for students? IE: A class that last four weeks at night but covers an entire semester? IF that's the case and LSU does offer that option he could take that class and then be eligible for the latter part of the season. I'd certainly think that any class considered part of their core curriculum would be offered every semester: that core requirement would apply to a large portion of the student body.
I think any/all schools have people on staff whose only job is to make sure there are no admin mistakes made by players in pursuit of their degrees. Whether they really do their jobs is the question!
I would have to agree. But I believe there is more to this. If there isn't, this is an even bigger shit stain on this program than we originally thought.