The real threat to the Constitution is that Media Outlets are being allowed to bastardize the Freedom of the Press clause in the First Amendment! Freedom of the Press was protecting the right of the Press to print truth without retribution. It was NOT intended to allow the Press print lies about a candidate for the purpose of influencing an election. Here are just a few of the lies put out. 1) Strong Borders are Racist. Truth, trump didn’t create our border laws, but he took an oath to uphold them. Further, he has repeatedly told congress to fix the laws to eliminate ambiguity. 2) Nationalists is synonymous with White Nationalists. The truth has been defined by trump himself, that when he says he is a Nationalist, it is in reference to Globalist. 3) The tax cuts were for the Rich. This is one of the slippery lies of the left wing, that the tax cuts were for the purpose of enriching the top 1%. The purpose of the tax cuts was to stimulate reinvestment into the US economy and create jobs. It’s worked quite nicely. Read an article showing the change in trend for the 17 mo prior to Nov16 and the 17 Mo since. There is no refuting that the economy picked up on the very fact that trump won the election .... and it was because, the job creators knew he would remove impediments to job creation. 4) Trump is dividing the Nation. Recent polls note that while people do see Trump as divisive (56%), the view the media more so (64%). One has to wonder what would happen if the Media stopped attacking Trump. One has to wonder how Trump would respond if the Media treated him the way they did Obama. This could go on for a while.
Trump never lies, nor does FOX press conferences should be contentious,.. Trump pulled a reporter's press badge for being rude
No, the cuck was protesting during a press conference not allowing anyone else a chance to berate the president. He had his turn and wouldn't sit the fuck down.
yeah, he was an ass, but so was donald,.. we should eliminate press conferences,.. Trump doesn't like being questioned praise kek