Election 2022

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by TBTrumpet, Jan 21, 2022.

  1. XXL TideFan

    XXL TideFan Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2003
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    I just read this morning that Russia has accused the UK of blowing the pipeline. Seems that they had Liz Truss’s personal iPhone hacked and within a minute of it blowing she texted that it was done. Supposedly to Sec State Blinken.

    Another gem that I ran across.
    “Lead Swedish Prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist publically stated:
    “Preliminary investigation concerns suspected gross sabotage against the gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea...
    I have decided, together with the security police, to carry out a number of supplementary investigations at the crime scene...
    Following the request, the armed forces have decided to assist the preliminary investigation”—after which the MoD released the beyond shocking statement: “Units of the British Navy were involved in a "terrorist attack", which destroyed the key Nord Stream gas pipelines...
    Royal Navy operatives took part in planning, supporting and implementing”the plot to blow up the infrastructure in September”
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2022
    shane0911 likes this.
  2. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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  3. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    in other news:

    shane0911 likes this.
  4. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    a red wave?


    Why Democrats Are Suddenly Very Nervous
    Bill Clinton’s disappearance from the daily political fray has been more or less total for at least half a decade. So when the former president emerged late last month on the campaign trail, it was clear something was up. There he was promoting Sean Patrick Maloney, the representative who runs House Democrats’ campaign wing while suddenly playing defense in his own Hudson Valley district. And then, before long, there Clinton was in the next district over, appearing with the similarly vulnerable representative Pat Ryan. In the midst of this unexpected return, Clinton also released a video focused on gun control in an attempt to reprise his role as Democrats’ “explainer-in-chief.”

    To those who know how to read between Clintonian lines, the message was sent. The last time he took on that mantle was in 2012, when he thought his team was in trouble with a message desperately in need of refining. This time, with just days left in midterm season and Democrats on the defense in once-safe territory like Maloney’s, more or less the entire party infrastructure feels that way.

    The feeling around Democratic leaders in Washington, D.C., and campaigns across the country can charitably be described as “on edge” in recent weeks, as Republicans took back the generic-ballot lead in polling averages for the first time since the summer and a series of surveys popped up showing tighter races than anyone could have fathomed even in Democratic strongholds such as New York and Washington State. They are resigned to a generally bad result and realistic about the lack of time left to change the course of races with anything other than get-out-the-vote pushes. But they are unsure just how bad it will be. Almost no one in the party still claims Democrats can hold the House, but there is far less consensus about anything else, starting with the fate of the Senate, where they still have a hope of winning plenty of toss-ups and keeping control.

    So in come the reinforcements. Barack Obama, who’s been crisscrossing the country, made plans this week to appear in Pittsburgh with Pennsylvania lieutenant governor John Fetterman, who led polls in his Senate race until a recent, startling fade. It will be Obama’s only rally for an individual candidate and not a full Democratic ticket, indicating the degree of importance the party is putting on Fetterman’s race. Not long before Obama touched down in the Keystone State, Oprah Winfrey took the surprise step of endorsing Fetterman after refusing to weigh in on his race against Mehmet Oz, who shot to fame on her show. And other prominent figures in the party have been scheduling new appearances in states with priority Senate races: Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, Elizabeth Warren in Nevada, Pete Buttigieg in Nevada and New Hampshire. The push, which comes as party vessels also pump final resources into last-ditch ad efforts and while campaign and union door knockers blanket the states, represents Democrats’ final bet at saving their as-slim-as-possible majority.

    Most of the national party’s concern focuses on Senate races that were always thought to be competitive but that Democrats were assumed to have an advantage in until recently. Polling averages now show the races in both Pennsylvania and Georgia as dead heats, for example, after months of Democratic leads. For at least half a year, party leaders have believed that Donald Trump’s insistence on meddling in GOP primaries helped the Democratic cause since Republicans were nominating unelectable figures. Yet with Oz, Herschel Walker, and others such as Blake Masters and Don Bolduc within striking distance of the Senate — and Democrats thus forced to spend money on defense that they’d prefer to be using in offensive territory — the “It could have been so much worse argument” is a relic. “There’s no doubt that Republicans nominated the worst crop of Senate candidates that I’ve probably seen in my lifetime,” said one prominent Democratic strategist. But “the fact that Arizona and New Hampshire have come back into play, that’s devastating.”

    It’s now clear this election won’t represent quite as bad a wipeout for Biden’s party as 2010 was for Obama. Back then, “everything went against us. There was massive popular opposition to the Democratic agenda. That is not the case this year at all,”

    “The races have tightened,” conceded Celinda Lake, a leading Democratic pollster who worked on Biden’s 2020 campaign. But, she told me, “we could have predicted that a number of them were going to tighten because for a long time Republicans were not consolidated.” It’s a familiar and unwelcome pattern for Democrats, who are finding they can no longer hope for a fractured GOP in the Trump era. Still, Lake continued, the numbers show a hardening of right-wing support, not a broad-based move toward Republicans among genuine independents: “You have to distinguish between shifts that are occurring where the Democrats are losing the last swing voters and races that are tightening because the Republicans are coming home.”

    The issue is that this consolidation is happening quickly and that it is bringing some previously undecided voters with it just as many Democrats are working to ensure their solid supporters stick with them and actually vote. For this, most of the strategists close to Biden’s White House blame the grim national mood around the economy. Independents “break against the party when you have economic diagnostics like we’re seeing. End of story, done,” Biden’s other pollster, John Anzalone, told The Wall Street Journal. “Voters trust the Republicans on that, right now. That’s tough sledding for us.”

    In many races, this leaves Biden’s party tripling down on a message that worked for them this summer. Lake said that, in the polls and focus groups she’s been studying, abortion remains the best motivating topic for Democrats’ GOTV efforts.

    Still, the finger-pointing has predictably begun even before the scale of losses are known. And though Biden’s allies are confident he is not primarily to blame, he is starting to come in for quiet criticism within his own ranks.

    The late shift toward GOP candidates has come because “the underlying fundamentals kicked in. It was clear even back in August that we were taking a victory lap way too early,” said the Democratic strategist. For this veteran of decades of races, the party’s jubilant posture late this summer following a successful legislative stretch caused it to overlook Americans’ persistent concerns. “Voters are not stupid. They don’t see gun violence fading away — they still think gun violence is a problem — and we’re tut-tutting around about the accomplishment” of passing the first serious gun-control measure in 30 years, he said. Similarly, he argued that calling the latest major piece of legislation the “Inflation Reduction Act” was a risk when voters remain so concerned with inflation.

    That argument is a cousin of the one that popped up in the past week, when Biden announced plans to speak one more time about the looming threat to democracy and the rise of political violence. David Axelrod’s tweet on the subject was passed around plenty among nervous operatives: “Issues of democracy are hugely important at this moment and in next week’s election. Totally appropriate for @POTUS to address them,” Obama’s former top political adviser wrote. “Still, as a matter of practical politics, I doubt many Ds in marginal races are eager for him to be on TV tonight.”

    Lake, who had no hand in the speech, said her ongoing research showed that January 6 and its related threats remain significant motivators for Democrats and some swing voters. And, she noted, this is now a GOTV environment.

    Still, few vulnerable candidates have been centering their opponents’ election denialism in their closing-argument ad campaigns or canvasser messaging. And just as popular among the political-professional crowd as Axelrod’s tweet was a clip of Sanders’s former campaign manager Faiz Shakir on MSNBC before the speech. In it, he faced Chuck Todd and said he hoped White House aides were watching: “I’d hope that they’re rewriting it and focusing on cost of living.”
  5. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Roll Tide what? Fuck you! - Coach O
    shane0911 likes this.
  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    people who tell you to vote are fucking annoying. unless they are a political candidate speaking to their fans, then its clear their motive. just randon folks telling everyone to vote, what the fuck are they talking about? if anything we should be telling people not to vote
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I like how Joe Xiden says this is a vote for democracy.

    In reality, our government could not pass a single piece of legislation for 10 years and we would be just fine. Probably better off.

    Endless supply of "crisis".
    XXL TideFan likes this.
  9. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i enjoy calling this phenomenon the catastrophization of everything. we are always on the brink of total loss of everything. climate is done, democracy is over, trump is arrested, everything is always just about to happen but never does. the catastrophes are always imagined and in the future, so as to be non falsifiable. in reality in 20 years we are the same as now with nicer stuff.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    its interesting how the media wont pushback when the left claims democracy is on the ballot.

    biden says we will lose our country if we vote wrong, nobody asks him how exactly. i guess its just common knowledge this is a lie and not to be questioned.

    its like when i asked @Rex and @Winston1 how the govt get overthrown on jan 6th. no answers.

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