cnn acting like this was some disturbing and upsetting shit. its democracy, thats the whole point of it, they argue and deal and shit. they act like this is some incivility that is bad for everyone. they could argue for 6 months and do nothing else and it wouldnt matter. and have these cnn clowns every watched the british parliament?: "well cheerio mate, the honorable bloke from liverpool is a right wanker and i mashed his porky wife's filthy cunt with me knob!" the brits are savages, its awesome. civility in the governing body is not necessary or beneficial
this was one of literally dozens and dozens of lies rex amplifies and echoes. its constant. this is what social media has become. lies spreading like wildfire, spread by idiotic fuckwads who only care if it feeds the narrative
even snopes has come around and admitted this is false No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People