If O is coach next season, it's because Alleva couldn't bring anyone in. Not because he wants Coach O as the replacement to Miles. If O becomes the head coach, him and Alleva both will be gone in 2 seasons.
Fans like you will get the coach you so richly deserve and take heart it sadly wont be O. Will be fun for me come here listen to the whinning and moaning as we slip back into average. Recruits will go elsewhere, players will leave the team and Aranda will split because of the stupitidy here.
I've been tooting Eaux's trumpet since he was unveiled, jackass. You are continuing to validate the characterization that you are oblivious and incapable of having an adult conversation. You've continuously proven yourself to be a blight and worthy of being lumped with the baser rungs of TDs.
Tooting O's horn guess I missed it. I think you just gave Herman a pass for losing to mighty Navy and to mighty SMU because of something called "swirling" whereas O got no pass from you for things "swirling" around him or jackass play from his players yesterday. If any coach in the SEC has a worst deal he has been dealt and more "swirling" things around him its O. Compared to the football IQ here TD might be worth a look.
Just looked all over this board where are the toots? Nope see no toots just "swirling" excuses and bad advice.
Nope O didnt just lose his job howerver we exposed many football ignorant fans. Probably that way at all schools but I only have to deal with ours, The Horror, The Horror
Show me where you want to give O a chance? Sorry looked cant seem to find it. Sure you mean well here but your actions dont reflect it.
I explained this to you but you bull rushed over my explanation. If you want to have a conversation I expect you to meet me half way. Til then, keep raving you lunatic.
I may be a lunatic but even this lunatic has the capacity to read and I still see you making excuses for Herman and giving O none. You also appear to give passes to poor play by our players yesterday. Despite my lunacy I can at least see that fumbles, a perfect snap that was muffed, a blown coverage and a RB making the wrong judgement on a cut are not O's fault.