I may be late to the party but does "Be-Be" hate LSU or does LSU hate "Be-Be?" This guy can seriously recruit and I have no idea why he has been away from LSU so long. What's the story here?
Not really. Listen I like Mike Detillier ALOT and he has always been high on Coach O. I get that he coached at Ole Piss and try to stiff LSU as often as possible. Just not real sure what precipitated that. All I know is: 1) The guy can recruit (especially the talent out of New Orleans) 2). Most of the talent from La. year after year comes from that area. 3) Why doesn't LSU HIRE HIM? That s all - Ill hang up and listen...
his team quit on him. bad blood b/t us. felt he was snubbed if i recall and now recruits against us. maybe dad can fill in the deets.
It started when he showed up at LSU to play football. Didn't last long. I also don't have the three hrs
I think you are right, didn't he attend LSU for a season or a preseason and then leave to play at Northwestern?