Ladd Memorial Stadium in Mobile where they have the Senior Bowl and the Godaddy Bowl is in a pretty bad part of town too. Still, Mobile would be a better trip than Shreveport. You could hang out on the Redneck Riviera instead of losing all your money on the Shreveport casino boats
I lived in Mobile for a couple of years in the 90's. Sometimes on Sunday's I would go to the Boomtown Casino in Biloxi. They had an all you can eat buffet for about $6.95. Crawfish. boiled shrimp, steak, and other good stuff I never tasted because I was always filled up on the shimp and crawfish.
Independence Stadium is smack in the middle of Queensboro, not as bad as it once was, but there's still a lot of gang, drug violence all over that area. Most of S'port is now a ghetto.