Anyone else think Malachi should have come back for another year? It's a shame because he has talent. Just left a year too soon. Hopefully he makes a practice squad somewhere.
Whomever told him he was ready to go to the NFL did him a major disservice. He may make a practice squad somewhere, but I don't see him ever becoming a starting receiver. He needed another year to mature and gain/perfect his skills.
He got carried off the field during the first preseason game. Don't know how that might have affected his chance to show what he's got.
Travin was never the same after his injury in the end zone on the too high throw from none other than North Carlina's second string QB, Brandon Harris.
Before I saw the play I didn't think you could injure your legs like that. Your back, yes but legs??????
He would have giving us experience and helped himself under Canada. I bet he would have gotten a lot more balls this year. Under Cam you can't say our receivers were really receivers, just blockers for the RB.
Him and Charke on the field at the same time would've be a nightmare for opposing defenses with this new look offense.