Dumbest pro fans

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by NoLimitMD, May 3, 2007.

  1. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Utah: Not even close. It's like they're watching an entirely different game than what is happening on the court. They're a fan equivalent of Tim Duncan -- polished, orderly and non-stop whining. Malone and Stockton taught them very well. Seriously, these morons boo EVERYTHING. I wish Joey Crawford was the arena supervisor.


    Cubs: Again, not even close. They put up with bad to mediocre for almost a century, and almost revel in their failure. That's dumb.


    I'm tempted to say Eagles fans, but they booed McChoke, so they can't be dumb on a level of the above fans.

    Cardinals fans would be in the running under the Cubs theory, except they don't support the team, and that's pretty smart.

    So I think the winner is probably the Falcons fans. They buy into everything the team puts on the field, and within hours of anything bad happening, completely disappear. Also, when the camera pans across the audience, they're the only fanbase where I can be assured there is no chance of seeing one triple digit IQ.
  2. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Tampa Bay fans are pretty dumb. Seems like most of them don't even know the names of their own players (the ones that come to the Dome anyway).
  3. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    I dont see how anyone cant respect Malone and Stockton. The smartest duo ever to play the game. Sure they complained but what player doesnt in the NBA, but they were very smart about it, which led to many calls their way in the playoffs all those years. They were a little dirty, but they were very good at hiding it when the refs were looking. You have to respect a little white guy who would keep you on your toes and fear the elbow. The played hard and never gave up. I have never been to a Jazz game but they seem to boo like any other team when a ref makes a bad call. Maybe you are a little bitter from the tough loss tonight.:wink: Have to give it to the Jazz fans, they make it very hard to come into their house and leave with a victory.

    I agree the Falcon fans are scum. The Lakers fans just follow the bandwagon. I hate that.
  4. LSUalum24

    LSUalum24 Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Hands down Red Sox fans. But that is mainly because they are bandwagon fans and don't follow baseball all at all except the Sox. I've really grown to loathe the Red Sox because of their d'bag fans.

    NFL: The new Cleveland Browns using the same logic for Atlanta Falcons fans.
  5. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I have the utmost respect for Malone and Stockton, but HATED the whining and dirty play. It was just so disingenuous.

    The Jazz fans do make it tough to play there, but their booing follows no logic, other than they boo all of the time unless the Jazz score. I just don't get it. I chalk it up to them having absolutely no idea what's going on. They're like a community college version of the Cameron Crazies.
    2 people like this.
  6. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    All soccer fans.
  7. lsugrad00

    lsugrad00 Founding Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    Post 1990 Atlanta Braves fan is awful... they show up late, they barely watch the game, they freaking stand up and cheer for fly outs to shortstop like they are going to go over the fence, then they leave early.

    Soccer sucks... but soccer fan is pretty damn intense they just don't have the opportunity to root for a real football team.
  8. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Good point on the Braves. That lack of depth perception isn't unique to them, but the lack of appreciation for the team definitely is.

    As for soccer, I think TB3 was being sarcastic, making this a trick question. There's no way anybody's actually paid to play soccer.
  9. Robidoux87

    Robidoux87 You call that a double?

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Picture this: 26-year-old Italian-American Vinnie wakes up from a fourteen-hour snooze in his mother's North Jersey basement. He puts on his wife beater, denim jacket and Yankee cap, hops in his I-ROC and rocks out to Whitesnake on the way to his job at the gas station. He puts in a 4-hour day, goes to the gym for 2 hours and heads to Yankee Stadium. He meets up with 25,000 people just like him to complain that 2005 AL MVP Alex Rodriguez sucks compared to "True Yankees" like Scott Brosius. Throw in 10,000 educated people and 5,000 Wall Street guys who aren't paying attention to the game and you have the typical attendance at a Yankee game.

    No dumber fanbase than NYY.

    For the record, I love world-class soccer (the kind that is not currently played on American soil) and I'm not dumb.
  10. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Post of the year candidate! :thumb:

    Ok...but the typical fan, especially the unruly obnoxious fools in Europe, Central and South American, have to be the biggest douche bag fans on this planet. I've been to one 1st Div games in England back in the 80's and I dont get it. First of all, you see VERY few women. I mean its like 20, 30 or 40 to 1. They cheer for plays that seem ordinary. Like cheering for 2 yard run up the middle like its a TD. They argue amongst themselves like rival fans and they are rooting for the same team. I bet some of the brawls you read about are same team fans fighting with each other. And the singing...OMG. The worst tradition and GAYEST song lyrics in sports. You cant imagine what comes out of those limey mouths during a match. I found it comical and repulsive at the same time. And the hispanics...well, thats another paragraph or 2 there...GOOOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLL :lol:

    So I would agree with TB...soccer fans, in general, are the dumbest creatures on this planet.

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