As you might know, I grow my own,.. Two years ago October,.. I realized having an unlimited supply was not in my best interest,.. so I threw my entire stash, almost 4 lbs, into a bonfire. I smoked a couple of buds a year ago, other than that I've totally refrained, I don't drink alcohol, so little miss smarty pants,.. that means all of my stupidity comes naturally.
Not sure how I would know you grew your own....but good for you, seriously. The truth is, it will have an impact on brain function and memory recall. Once or twice a year won't do much. You aren't stupid. Pop tall, Duck Man.
mostly that's propaganda,.. alcohol is worse by far,.. I haven't stopped smoking, I'm on hiatus. a couple of years ago, I posted pictures of my plants,.. don't you remember? don't argue with me,.. I can be pretty damn dense.