Republicans freed the slaves, gave them equal rights and the right to vote. What do they do? Vote for democrats and choose to be enslaved by the liberal policies they push. What happened to blacks back in "those days" is still happening to them today. By their own people! I don't give a damn what happened back then and I refuse to be held responsible for something I had no part of. If you really want to improve race relations you'd put a bullet in the head of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. I'm glad your taking care of your biracial children NC. I have a niece and cousin that have biracial kids. Their fathers are not there for them. No child support or interaction with the kids. I reckon if your brought up with the govt taking care of you, you expect the same for your kids.
Republicans did free the slaves and were the key votes in passing LBJs civil rights laws. However as LBJ predicted he gave the Rs the south for 50+ years as the Ds were blamed by the southern whites who switched to the Rs. The Ds cultivated the blacks and others though did little other than symbolism for them. Nixon cynically started the Rs cultivation of the racists like Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott and others. Since there has been a racist thread in the republican and tea party movements that isn't pretty. In the 60 and even into the 70s the Rs got a percentage of black vote that was significant. They have alienated them and Latinos as a class/race by their positions. A real shame as there is a strong conservative thread in both...but people don't support those they think hate them. Have the Ds done little to really help African Americans and Latinos? I don't think so and agree with your judgment of Jesse, Sharpton and their ilk...though not the solution.
Find me a Republican that says, legalize weed, quit bothering me about abortion, let all the gays marry, no more gerrymandering, and i'm tired of minorites having their voting rights infringed upon...... and now lets talk about fiscal responsibility..... I'd vote for that guy... If more of this would start happening across the country. Washington might just open their eyes and see that it's not handouts people want. It's opportunities people want. The opportunity to become financially independent and better themselves and their communities. The people in the video are tired of loosing jobs and dealing with the crime in their neighborhoods.
That guy would be a libertarian. Find me a Democrat that says people need to be more responsible for their own situation and not blame rich people, who are the same people that fund all of the programs that lessen people's responsibility......who says equality is that of opportunity, not equal portions of the pie. I'd vote for that person. That person would also be a libertarian.
I must be a libertarian then. As long as what your doing doesn't hurt me or cost me money I don't care what you smoke or do to your body. I also would like to have a flat tax of %20 +- instituted. And all payroll taxes eliminated. If you make $500 a week you get paid $500. As well as all the other taxes like fuel, car tags, cigarette, import/export etc. etc...
Interesting. So you would be for the trucker who drives 250,000 miles per year, putting God knows how much wear and tear on the infrastructure to pay the same tax to use those streets as I do, when I only drive 3 miles each way to work? Seems a bit short sighted to me.
Our highways are built and maintained for the most part by federal funds generated from fuel and tire taxes. A trucker is consuming a lot more fuel and tires per mile. Yeah you are paying the same tax on your in the neighborhood commute, but not at the same rate and definitely not the same amount.