It's a dog-eat-dog, every man for himself system, so these people will turn to crime to support themselves. It's cheaper to subsidize their bills for three years than to incarcerate them for 10-12 years.
job training and employment seeking should be part of it. no problem there. but what about the true addicts to drugs like meth? the kids should not be in that environment, and whether or not the parents receive benefits, the kids should be with a clean family member or in foster care anyway. i'm not a fan of the foster system, and yes, that is more government cost. but i am less a fan of kids being in an unsafe environment due to an addict parent that would rather lock the kids in a junk rv in the back yard that catches fire and kills the kids while the parents sit inside so strung out on meth they dont know what is going on.
Yeah probably. But hopefully my experiences will allow me to better educate my child on the dangers and effects of drugs, instead of the garbage and lies that are told about drugs today, so she can make an educated decision on the matter, which will hopefully be to never do them.
seems reasonable. i definitely feel like i was lied to and brainwashed about drugs. now, various friends of mine do every drug imaginable, very responsibly. i worry about my friends that do coke, but they seem just fine, certainly no worse off than my drinking friends. i dont think drugs are much more dangerous than alcohol. alcohol is, of course, very very dangerous for some people. but not me.