Their race is not unknown to me, as Canarsie is the blackest neighborhood in Brooklyn. If they "passed" the experiment, is it possible to fail?
I didn't click on Izzy's link but I took him at his word that the thief was white. Upon further review he would have to be black. White kids don't wear $500 sneakers and if they do want them they don't steal them. They go to a store and buy them with their Platinum Amex cards their parents gave them for Christmas
My neighborhood (Astoria) is less than 10 percent black, but there is a sneaker store on my street and they release fancy speakers at midnight, and people line up around the block to get it first, all of these poeple are black or Latino.
White people live in Brooklyn too. Not in Canarsie though. Was istltttlitl trying to catch us being racists? Y don't have to catch me I shout it from the rooftops. Black people love crime and sneakers and violence.