I don't think the guy writing that article was saying it was true. I think it was just wishful thinking. He writes good articles, but I wouldn't call him source worthy.
Crowton would be given HC and Athletic Director positions and be paid a nice salary. Tech is in a 3 week bind for a HC, as was TN, and have two names on the want list and GC is one. It will all depend on GC turning it down.
Steve Logan was the name being bantered around when we thought he was leaving the first time..I'd be okay with that.
It's great. I thnik we should all get together and help LA Tech decide Crowton's genius is needed there. Nevermind, I can't type that statement with a straight face, much less say it to someone person to person.
practice in a mirror until you can do it without giggling. never mind. that will take so long, your wife will think you have a crush on yourself.:hihi: