a example of sportsmanship ADMIN NOTE: No more posts by LSU fans are welcome until further notice... LOL
And if you read the thread, the irony is that LSU fans have been "gracious". It's the Auburn fans they're having more trouble with. It's also more on facebook. How will the pussies survive on FB without TIDE-HSV intervening? :dis:
LOL -- looks that way, doesn't it!! Actually, the male version there resembles Charles Nelson Reilly (for those of you old enough to remember the 1970's game show "Match Game"). :geauxtige
Tools! Really sad! The TideFans equivalent of "It's my football, so I make the rules." These azzclowns were afraid of the potential for a verbal beat down after their loss to LSU. They have essentially proven themselves to be the precious little snowflakes that they are, and needed to be protected from those loud, nasty, opinionated, victorious LSU fans! Really sad! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Come on now guy's, Tide HIV was just protecting their little "Circle Jerk" while trying to convince themselves the best team lost.
Tide-HSV is a very sad old man. I was there a few weeks before the game, I have been posting there periodically since 2000. I actually tailgate with a few people now I met there was once a pretty good site. But since that buffoon has taken over (and a few other moderators) it has become sad. Not a single LSU fan there (aside from a few) were there with anything but good intentions. If you tried to refute something a Bama fan said "Deleted" we created a thread (A fellow fan did) called come back and eat crow after the game. Many on both sides said we would be there, only to have that idiot Tide-HSV ban ANY LSU fan who posted a single word after the game. For a grown man he has the behavior of a 4 year old. I emailed him and said after 11 years please delete my account asap. I will never return to that site. Sad because most of them are pretty decent people its pretty much him and some girl who yelled at me because i typed "Coon Ass" yet a Bama fan did the same thing and nothing was said. Pathetic...