It's funnier when a man whines cause he got something in his eye...It's not funny being chased by a dog.
I gotta disagree with you there man. When I still had my labs, I would laugh my arse off at the UPS guy wen he tried to deliver stuff here. That was comedy you just can't write.:rofl:
seriously though I honestly think there will be a lawsuit filed on this.That dog took a good bite outa his hand.It hung on and kinda shook its head.The guys hands are his living,and even though it was kind of provoked"waved his hands towards the dogs handler"that dog does not belong on the feild.Proof----they took the dog away after the incident.
So now it is the dog's fault for being on the field??? The Auburn player needs to sue the university, police department or sheriff's office and the state.
no,actually the departments fault.Was it the players fault?I'm not a proponent for suing for every little thing,just saying in these days,the guy has a case.
It actually is the owner's fault (In this case, the Dept) to control their dog and as soon as it happened I thought the same thing.........LAW SUIT. There's no way those highly trained dogs should bite a person without being commanded to. The dog may be sentenced to the Vick house.
Those cops had the dogs too close to the field...That's just stupid...I would've kicked the dog and then punch the cop or headbutt him with the helmet.
More likely the handler will get some severe sanctions and the dog will get more training. I agree, those dogs should react to nothing except on command or an outright attack on the handler.