That's the catch. Physical laws render time travel impossible. It must remain an imaginary concept. Even as an imaginary concept it is full of flaws, contradictions, and impossibilities. All together, time travel is much more interesting and profitable as science fiction than as science. What if? Then we would know. Until then, we imagine. Both are fine as long as we dont confuse them. Life is good.
Martin, you missed the point of the question. I wasn’t making a claim one way or the other, and haven’t throughout this thread. I was asking a hypothetical question wanting to know the thoughts of posters on this board in regards to the question. Not have the question posed back to me in a way asking me to validate my stance of the presence of God. I simply reiterated what Red had stated. I don’t make a claim one way or the other. I am Christian, that is my belief, but if you had read my previous post you would notice that I am very open to the findings supported thru science. I am not one of those Christians that thinks science is some sort of voodoo that has no merit. I believe in much of science and its findings.
if you need to ask the question about whether the scientist would release his world-changing info on magic, then perhaps you dont really trust science.
If you don’t have an opinion than just say so. If you believe that science has proven to you, with sufficient enough evidence to support your beliefs than that is your choice. If your faith in atheism is that strong that you can’t have an opinion I can respect that.
support what beliefs!?!? i dont have any beliefs in the area you are talking about. there is nothing to prove. why is that so hard to understand? again, you have absolutely zero understanding. i have faith in atheism in the exact same sense that you have "faith" in your lack of belief in zeus. how strong is your faith that (any random thing i just made up) isnt true? did science prove that the tooth fairy doesnt exist? of course not. and yet you are certain the tooth fairy doesnt exist. would you describe your lack of belief in the tooth fairy as "faith"? why so woefully poor at understanding this
Martin, as I stated if you have no opinion to address my hypothetical question, just say so. You don’t need to go into the big ole diatribe to try and convince me of your point of view. As I stated awhile back in this thread to each his/her own in their beliefs. This is a debate that cannot be won by the congregation. Priests and Pastor’s, Rabi, and Scientists can’t how can we expect to. Your faith or belief or non faith or non belief is of no concern to me, I really don’t care, nor do I care to convince you that my beliefs are what you should believe. I posed a simple question, if due to your convictions you cannot answer than I respect that. Red already gave me an answer that I am satisfied with, so trying to engage me into debating you in regards to this topic is pretty useless. I respect your stance and all I ask is that you respect mine. If you are so set in your convictions that you cannot then I am sorry that you are so rigid in your ways.
i did answer your question. scientists have no interest in turning down riches to stifle evidence of god. it was a stupid question. i have no respect for your beliefs, they are stupid and made up and senseless, totally without evidence, and totally embarrassing. i am rigid about my lack of beliefs the EXACT same way you are "rigid" about your lack of belief that red is god. all i ask is that you respect my belief that red is god. you dont know either way, it cant be proven, can it.
Frustrating isn’t it, resorting to calling me stupid, someone who won’t engage in your debate. As with much of your posts they offer no educational response, just your rigid beliefs that you are right and everyone else is wrong. Must be lonely when the only thing that believes you is the reflection in the mirror.
pay attention, i said your beliefs are stupid, i didnt say you were. sometimes smart people have stupid beliefs. of all the gods of history, all of them are dimissed by you. thousands and thousands of them, all now considered to be myths but one. and here you are, willing to be so rigid in your beliefs that you deny all of them. except one. i go only one further. and now i am the one who has the closed mind? how many gods, how many myths do you deny as false? a million? take your number, add just one to it, and that is me. and i am so arrogant for that? if i was a wiccan or ancient greek or zoroastrianist or (i could go on forever), you would dismiss my beliefs as myths. this rule that your myths should be respected is ludicrous. if i went around preaching lies as truths i should be challenged and you should be honest enough to tell me that what i am saying is a lie. if i went around saying 5 plus 5 is 19, would you respect that? why not? i dont have any evidence for it, but just respect my faith, eh?
I think you mistake me for some other poster on this board. I have never dismissed your beliefs, I have never said I dismiss anything, all I have said is that I am a Christian. If you have paid one iota of attention you would know this. Again trying to engage me into debating one side or the other will not work. Your beliefs are yours and mine are mine. I respect yours for what they are to you, all I ask is that you do the same for me. Just because your beliefs don’t agree with mine, doesn’t mean you can’t respect my right to have them. BTW, when you can show me where science has proven “beyond a shadow of a doubt” one way or the other, then and only then will I begin to debate you.