Mike Mitchell posing the question "Is this a music video or just an ad for Chevy" is far different from "And according to the A&M spokespeople, it's OK with the NCAA to be in TV commercials." I seriously doubt A&M has said such. If they have, do you mind linking that statement? As I recall the rules if Smith was using Manziel's picture and appearance to promote the video it would be against the bylaws. His participation is something I don't think crosses that line which leads me to believe that's how the compliance department looked at his appearance. I suspect Mitchell's comment was more of a little dig at the video than questioning if it was a commercial. I hadn't even heard of Granger Smith until I saw the video you embedded. Considering the album is titled Dirt Road Driveway and another of the songs is "Miles and Mud Tires" having a pick-up truck in the video seems, well, fitting. (I wish I could get the three minutes back I spent watching and listening to that excruciating video.)
You are so right. That is a bit strange. Technology is changing our world so fast. The courts will be even busier with upcoming litigation from the issues to come from all of these new venues.