I must admit I didn't follow the team enough in the off season. But I read and listened to national media all year gushing over this team . Hell, even my nephew who is the head college football writer for sportsonearth picked LSU to win it all this year. So, I drank the coolaid. Then the ball was kicked off. Why Les coaches every game like he has a 28 point lead....i'll never know. Why he hates the notion of a balanced offense....who knows. I was hoping for more this year. A better plan. Oh well. He's a great man, but it's time to go.
This was exactly why I went that night. I wanted to be there to see Miles' last game as a Tiger. I have really liked him, but this product with the amount of talent that is supposed to be out there is absurd. As I said in a different thread, nothing has been the same since we lost that BCSNCG. The fire went out, and it cannot be rekindled, apparently. There's, I am sure, a marriage metaphor somewhere within that, too.
Fool me once....not gonna get fooled again. Knew the same sad pathetic offense would make its way to the field. Les is imploding. 4 out of the last 5 regular season games have been losses.
Now Les didn't throw that final interception. But his chosen inadequate QB did. All of Les's talent on the field almost got him off the hook. Almost.
He had enough and wants out. He thought he'd lost enough to make them buy him out last year. He said if that wasn't enough he's going to show them dumb coonsasses this year.