If you apologize in any way shape or form it sends the message that Miles has no fault in the whole thing. Yes it was handled very poorly, but when Miles handled his job very poorly he left himself open for this to happen. The message has been sent that no matter how incompetent the leadership is, if Miles continues to be incompetent his job is in jeopardy. Absolutely do not apologize!
I am getting so tired of hearing how poor Les Miles was treated so awfully by LSU. I like Miles. He's a good guy but he ain't Mother freakin' Theresa. LSU fans have elevated him to some mythical sainthood status. The recent fiasco was handled badly only in the sense that it was leaked to the media creating a firestorm during which Miles was treated like the Queen of Sheba. He got more positive press in one week than the entirety of his career up to that point. He rode the sympathy wave like Bodhi Zafa and turned fan critics into love slaves. He got to give Alleva the bird after the game and no one was gonna call him on it. He's just earned a lifetime appointment as LSU coach and he is laughing all the way to good ole boy mediocrity with a stop at the bank on the way. He wasn't treated any differently than hundreds of other coaches that have been fired. We act like no coach in sports history has had to endure speculation about his/her job status. He's a good egg but he's not a saint.
I'm not saying he was treated awfully by LSU, the more that comes out the more I realize this was Alleva and some boosters going rogue without the support of the real people that call the shots. I just think Alleva should have been honest. And that's where I have the problem.
I get that. I'm not defending anyone. I just think MIles' mistreatment at the hands of LSU has been greatly exaggerated. He was treated disrespectfully in the sense that most hardworking employees that get laid off are treated disrespectfully. Losing one's job is not a pleasant experience but his $15 million severance package would have given him a pretty cushy landing. I think LSU has treated him well for 11 years. No apology needed.
all of which was unwittingly orchestrated by f'kn alexander and alleva....they are the ones to blame. to say this wasn't handled badly by LSU is a matter of opinion. an opinion not many outside of this board share.
Miles' action got his head on the chopping block but the executioner was inept. He doesn't deserve an apology, he should be grateful to be alive.
It was handled badly because it was leaked. I don't correlate that to Miles being treated particularly badly. He was put in an awkward position but he came out better than he went in.
For now. When we get the 2016 version of "same shit, different year", we'll see how many people join in on the "We want Les" chants.
It won't be long. The Miles story is over for the national media. They need something new to talk about.