I hope he has a fun time in Qatar celebrating how awesome it was when he put a clock in a box. I hope the kid is not gay, as Qatar jails gay folks. I have been to lots of Muslim countries. At least two of the ones I have visited have the death penalty for gays. Boy Muslims are great let's be inclusive.
Then perhaps you can explain why most of the insane attention he is getting is from conservative media, islamophobes, racists, Republicans and iconoclasts like you.
Microsoft and Twitter and Qatar and Hillary Clinton and Obama are islamaphobes? Comedy Central nightly show is conservative?
Trying to change the topic? Not a chance. The point that you ignored is that the attention the kid got for being wrongly arrested is dwarfed by the attention being given by the right wingers here and the national conservative media to the trumped-up phony charges that he is a hoaxer, a criminal, and a conspirator, . . . just because Obama invited him to the White House.
I am sure that in your imagination you are telling me the fuck off. However, in order to really tell me the fuck off you would have to produce some facts or, at the least, some sense of a cohesive argument. You've failed miserably to do both.
No imagination. It's real. Your idea of a cohesive argument includes lame personal insults and a constant attempt at labeling as if it somehow makes your point. Fuck......you.
Show me where I've personally insulted you. You say I am trying to label you but you've done that for yourself. If you are saying that you are not proud of your positions then just say so but don't blame me for calling you a conservative or a republican when you espouse only conservative/republican positions. That said, maybe you are saying that I personally insulted you when I called you a conservative or a republican. If that is the case then I do apologize.....I wouldn't want someone calling me a Republican or a Conservative. No thanks.