You are not making any sense. Why would anyone call the bomb squad for a hoax bomb? They don't explode. It's just a hoax bomb. Do you know what the word hoax means? Nobody said the kid had a bomb. They said he had a hoax bomb, and it is illegal to freak people out with hoax bombs.
Yep. Welcome back, there is a part of me that missed being called a lunatic by him in the good ole days.
Repeating yourself. If it had done that he would have been charged. He was not. Period. End of story.
I was talking to the other fella who was questioning why the bomb squad was not called, he seemed to be unclear on that.
What is true is that Ahmed had been suspended several times for violating school rules and was known as being disruptive. It's how he got positive attention from other students....the alleged remote control to stop the movie projector, the bubbles in the bathroom, etc. By his own admission, he brought the "clock" to school hoping to impress the science teacher but again, by his own admission, the science teacher did not give him the reaction he hoped for and instead, told Ahmed to put it away and not show it to others. Ahmed plugged the clock in during English class and it made a noise, enough of a noise so as to be disruptive to the class and get the English teacher's attention. That was his m.o. Disregard the rules, be disruptive, complain loudly about his "rights". The police have said that during the questioning he was not only not forthcoming with his answers, he was passive-aggressive and that is why they handcuffed him. Since that time, he and his entire family have courted and absolutely reviled in the media attention. This is what the family is all about, what his dad has taught and fostered through his own actions and choices. This is not a family that understands contrition nor mutual respect. Ahmed was not some innocent kid who just happened upon circumstances. He created them and now is fully owning the victim mentality. 'Merica.
You are repeating yourself, friend. I understand perfectly well the definition of hoax but this was not a hoax. Just because you believe it was a hoax does not make it so either. Not even the school or the police have called it a hoax; it is just something that was made up after the fact and circulated through conservative medias.
Only if you live in the world of Breitbart news. Not one single credible source has claimed that the kid was a problem. Furthermore his school records are sealed so any report you have that is strictly second hand and cannot be verified. and if that is the best they can come up with as a reason to handcuff a 14 year old kid who is about as big as a toothpick then they need to be fired. Do you realize how subjective that statement is? He was handcuffed because he was being passive-aggressive. You could accuse just about anyone of that at any given time. Other than the kid getting invited to the White House, Universities and Facebook I haven't heard one word from his family. The truth is that they haven't said anything; you just don't like the fact that he got invited to go to the WH and all those other cool places because you think he should be punished for being a kid.