Well he certainly found out. I think he's a spoiled immature kid, and quite a bit less than a criminal mastermind. I can see how you might relate. 1. Stating the obvious--all religions are stupid. 2. It was the admitted police misconduct that was commented on. There were no fake bombs. We have had many threads on police misbehavior this year. You should catch up. Its topical. Including a request not to burn a book over a disagreement. Free speech. Man, Benghazi. You are a light year behind on a lot of topics around here. Whoever you are.
I don't care about Benghazi, I don't even understand what the problem is. I am just commenting on how Obama discourages free speech. That's anti American in the most literal sense. And of course there was a fake bomb. The kid isn't stupid. He is aware of what he is making, what it looks like, and how people will react. Not all Muslims are stupid, friend.
He showed it to people because how else will he amuse himself with a fake bomb hoax? Also, he showed it to the science teacher, who did tell him not show it again, which he ignored and showed it repeatedly. He needed to find a teacher that would react. Were you never in middle school? That is what kids do. Also, he did sort of leave it and draw attention to it, by setting the alarm to go off in class. Do we suddenly believe a kid is incapable of being a cool Litle troublemaker because he is brown? Also Obama didn't comment on police misconduct. He invited the kid to the whitehouse and said "cool clock". He wasn't aware it was a store bought clock. But he was eager to weigh in and be holier than thou guy who doesn't hate Muslims. What a guy.
Weak, you must do better than this. I agree, he was not making threats or staging a bomb hoax. He was showing off because he thinks he's smart. I see why you like this kid. We can believe in the flying spaghetti monster if we wish. There is nothing to pin on this kid other than being young and immature. Face it. What a guy. He encouraged a kid who likes science.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fox-host-teen-clockmaker-ahmed-mohamed_560e4826e4b0dd85030b8ae4 ridiculous
Obama is a dumb ass on this one. We should encourage more kids to be like you? What rip off someone else's idea and try to make it your own? Well, Obama is a corporatist, sounds like something a corporation would do.
As was already said, he was trying to hard to be the pro-Muslim President and the cool social media guy. It was a cheap political pander. Shocking.
He encouraged a regular detention-attendee who is also an attention whore (*disclaimer* that's just a manner of speaking, I'm not really calling him a whore) and a turd.
You are purposely ignoring the political overtones. He encouraged a Muslim kid, not just any kid. He doesn't encourage the kid if he isn't Muslim. The point is that Obama is riding along with this silly narrative that everyone is an islamaphobe. This whole story happens exactly the same, minus any press, if the kid is white. Obama has a history of being a prick about islamaphobia.