We live in the "Sportsman's Paradise"! Don't act like we're bad sportsmen! We're all Sportsmanshipped out over here! BTW, Bama sucks.
Words of wisdom. I have just recently decided to not hate ya'll with some much passion. Negativity has a negative influence on my quality of life and disposition. Again, I'm being the devil's advocate, if you will, on why some subscribe to conspiracy theories. Those who believe in the conspiracy will probably gladly be "part of the problem." I don't think you'll hurt many feelings there.
They want LSU to continue to lose too them. Come in behind them. Complain so we appear weak. Forfeit our top in state recruits to Alabama aka Leonard Fournette for instance.
Losing sucks...esp. to Bama. I love LSU down to my very soul. When LSU loses, I feel like I lose. When losing to Bama become completely unacceptable is when/if we lose top Louisiana talent to them. As long as we "put the fence up around our state," I am at least able to be satisfied. If, in a particular game or year, there are just better players in Alabama then Louisiana than so be it. I know there are extenuating circumstances, like when you're gf goes to Bama and hates LSU, but that should be an extreme oddity. If we ever start consistantly losing in-state talent to other states, that is when I start losing hope. If that doen't happen, we can and often "should" be able to beat Bama. GEAUX TIGERS!!
Hilarious coming from a gump. I remember when you first joined 11 or so years ago and for the most part, you are both of these. But, the same cannot be said of most Bama fans.