If it wasn't the 9th circuit it would be bewildering, but seeing how it is that crew, it should be expected. I just don't see how we can have one group (circuit) that is so out of it....and so many liberal/leftist/anarchist that are so pleased. The only good thing is the court really did not address the legality of the Executive Branch defending the borders (of course that was the issue) so we don't have to concede border security to a bunch of judges and robes, yet!
Venezuela pulls fake news CNN off their airwaves for distorting truth. http://www.newsweek.com/venezuela-censorship-nicolas-maduro-cnn-censorship-557305
Having to rely on the opinion of Venezuela and Nicholas Maduro on whether CNN is printing "fake" news is sad. Before you trumpet that why don't you look up Venezuela and it's recent history?
Not relying. Just another source substantiating what we already know, though the liberals can't see or admit.
When did CNN start printing fake news? I know they have been reporting fake news since the day Turner founded the network.
You all amaze me. Trump says something and is like a message to Moses from God on the mountain. Whatever he says is gospel even if it is 180 degrees opposite of what you've believed for years. Russia once an enemy is now a friend and so powerful we should be afraid of making it angry. Putin is a great guy....all a leader should be. Black is white, white is black. I'm disgusted. Don't call yourselves Republicans just put on the jackboots and give a good 'Sieg heil'.
Oh boy. You keep saying it but offer ZERO evidence. Over the years we have pointed to many issues with many in the media and their either outright lies or distortion of reality. Nut up brother.