You broke curfew son. Just because a lot of others did, didn't mean you had to as well. You're the leader of this team (were the leader, excuse me). Lee showed restraint that night.
How did he regress? By making the WR's drop the balls? I was glad to see Jefferson go in on Saturday, and I also feel he will excel in the Perriloux role this year.
I also have trouble seeing anything wrong with his comments. Clearly he was asked about his personal goals, and he specifically described these as his personal goals, not the goals he has for the team. Those are two different things, and by being specific as he was he clearly showed that he views them -- correctly -- as two different things. Personal goals can help drive you, motivate you, whatever; but the team goals have to be separate . . . otherwise, they can never come first.
"He hopes to regain his former starting quarterback status, saying it is a goal of his, but acknowledged his current role as backup as doing whatever is best for the team." Had that part of the quote not been omitted I never would have used the word disappointing...
did you watch the game? it looked like every throw was a part of a shot-put demonstration. being a leader does not involve staying behind with the dorks. Its an honored tradition. You just dont get into trouble.
I fully support him for completing for the starting role. However, quotes like "I can't imagine anybody in the country going through more than I did." and "I dont need to apologize, because we were all there" are just insensitive to say the least.
Earlier tonight I saw some media members post comments from the interview and saw a big circus coming. Then I watched the video and felt differently. I think we will see some slanted articles tomorrow but so far so good. I didn't have much of a problem with anything he said. However, given the circus that has followed a bar fight and every detail being scrutinized by everyone everywhere I don't see why they would even let him talk right now. I guess I can see getting it over and done with to limit the distractions later on.
Easy to understand the apologizing part. Fans are seeing the events in a whole different light than the rest of the team. They where there and been talking about this for weeks now. Can you imagine this apology? He man, I am sorry I went to the bar the other night and the distractions that followed. Uhh... JJ what you smokin? I was right there next to you. Awkward...:rofl:
Yup. But a leader would have kept his team out of trouble, especially himself. Can't believe this is an issue, we're getting upset because JJ has the competitiveness and confidence to be the starter? Reading way too much into it. At least now, Lee knows he's got someone sniffin for his job so maybe that can light a spark for him.