;_ylu=X3oDMTE1MGc5N2JzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA1NNRTA4MF8xODY-/SIG=12l39lqmf/EXP=1341568306/** the liberal experiment has already been tried. didn't work then won't work now. but then if I was lazy and thought everyone owed me I wouldn't work either. and I'd be voting democrat.
1. Meaningless proverb. 2. True, like tax breaks for the rich. 3. True, like tax breaks for the rich. 4. Meaningless proverb. 5. Meaningless proverb.
i've said before. the more you make the more you get taxed which to me is essentially a penalty on hard work. why is it ok for a person that has dropped out of school and makes minimum wage, or is just happy getting by. to receive all the govt handouts like foodstamps, housing, "refunds", free medical and reduced utilities not to mention having babies on the taxpayers dime. then you have someone that goes to college and becomes a Dr. or works his way up to CEO of a company or starts a business that employs others, and the harder they work and more successful they become the more they pay in taxes.? is that not rewarding the lazy and punishing the hardworker?