I would like to explore how the term "Choke" is used. I was upset when some of our own called our players "Chokers" after the Arkansas game. Why do people use the term "Chokers"? I watched the entire West Virgina game and was shocked WV lost the game. I did not witness a team choking as much as a Pitt defense and team completely outplaying an over confident WV team. I did not see any WV players freezing up. I think when a very good team goes out to play a team that is not very good and gets punched in the face on every down it is tough to over come because you did not expect it. Pitt never let up its intensity. That is why they won the game. Arkansas and Kentucky are much better teams with Heisman worthy players. We looked at the Arkansas and Kentucky games as easier to win then say VT, AU and UF. We call those trap games. Knowing all this going into UK and Arky we still lost the games to two teams that were very well prepared. Yes there were injuries to overcome in each game, but that too is part of the game. I'm very proud of our players and coaches and would never refer to them as chokers. Both Arkansas and Kentucky deserved to win those games because of how they prepared and competed. We are where we are because of how well we prepared and competed all season. Like CLM continues to say. We are undefeated in regulation play. Our year has been evaluated on its entire body of work. Now we get to play for the NC. :geauxtige
If the word "choke" can be defined as losing composure, the team, the fans, and most importantly the HC did. Some of his body language during that game was far from under control and confident in his team and their ability.
I look at games like that as a defining moment in building a successful winning program and all teams have to go through this. In WV's case the challenge is program wide because of their history. Bama has a great history but that history does not help Bama today. Matter of fact I would say it makes it more difficult on today's Bama teams because fans expectations are so high. Do you call your team chokers for loosing to LSU? Or do you look at it as a much needed experience to build on? Championships are won on overcoming adversity as much as executing plays. How a team/player/coach responds to each challenge is key. To me the term choke refers to "freezing up". I don't think I saw that this weekend. What I saw were teams that were outplaying their opponents.
I think if Pat White does not get hurt WVU wins that game no matter how good Pitts D was playing. That bsaid did anyone else thini those 2 holding calls on Pitts #88 was bogus? One got a TD called back and another negated a first down. And then on the next play his jersy is clearly pulled on a pass to him and its not called.
Pup all that doesnt matter, you catch good and bad breaks in any game (ie Glenn Dorsey @ Auburn) All that will matter about the 2007-2008 NC game 10 years from now, is people will say LSU beat the brakes off of Ohio St. you wont even remember that a TD got called back in the WVU game, please quit with the symantics.
Yeah, those calls rank up there as the worse calls I've ever seen. I commented to friends that the officials were trying like hell to help WV. I have no doubt that was the case. So obvious.
What are you talking about? Did you watch the WVU/Pitt game? If you did then you clearly see that my comments are saying about how the officals it seemed were trying to give WVU every chance to win. And since this thread is about WVU I feel that what I am posting here is legit. We should save the OSU/LSU talk for the proper thread.
WVU was playing like crap even before Pat White got hurt. Pitt went in there with nothing to lose and when that happens, especially when the opponent has everything to lose, it's a dangerous thing
I would call it choking when you lose at home to a 27-point underdog with the NC on the line. WVU had zero points and two missed FGs before Pat White went down in the middle of the 2nd quarter. I'm not one to cry about poor officiating or to suggest some sort of conspiracy, but man, it sure did look that way in the 4th quarter. Now, if they would have called PI on that last play, then I would be saying conspiracy.