you could make a decent argument if we were obsessed with a kim kardashian wedding, which really is of no value. but this is a genuinely funny story. cmon, man his name is weiner, it was kinda funny even before the tweets.
Frank tells of his despair during 89 sex scandal - The Boston Globe he got away with his boyfriend running a gay whorehouse out of his basement. Nice company to keep. Uh?
According your article . . . "in July 1990, the House Ethics Committee, in a 57-page report, rejected as untrue Gobie's charges that Frank knew about the prostitution ring" According to Wikipedia . . . The House rejected the Gobie Charges but recommended a reprimand for Frank using his congressional office to fix 33 of Gobie's parking tickets and for misstatements of fact in a memorandum relating to Gobie's criminal probation record. Attempts to censure and expel Frank were led by Republican Larry Craig, whom Frank later criticized for hypocrisy after Craig's own arrest in 2007 for lewd conduct while soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom.
Wrong again. I wouldn't care. I would probably make fun of them. Which Weiner definitely deserves. You are the hypocrite. Go down the list of republicans involved in sex scandals, did you ever once call for their job? Nope, sure didn't. Did I? Nope, sure didn't. Did I make fun of them? Hell yes, have I made fun of Weiner King? Yup.... If Paul Ryan was banging his secretary you wouldn't say a damn thing. Neither would I. Who gives a ****. Quit living in the 40's dude. If you were cheating on your wife, which I know in your glorious perfection you would never do, but.... if you did, i'm sure your first instinct would be to lie if you got caught. It's natural, and if you say it's not, then you are a liar yourself.
We will have to see how the investigation of the 17 year old friend of his comes out. If he didn't tweet her sexual pics are anything like that then the only law he broke was being stupid and destroying his family.