I’ve lost confidence in Mr Clean. This year’s defense with Elmer’s offense would have put us trash talking with the Tennessee fans.
I would not say that I have lost confidence in him but certainly we are not where we would want to be. I just wonder if its effort on the d side of the ball. Maybe it is just that they know they dont have to be a stone wall for us to win.in any event it is a problem.
Some of it is a biproduct of our fast paced offense putting our defense on the field for a fairly long time. Then there is the stupidity of scheme like the last TD we gave up to Alabama that just can't happen. So it's a mixed bag for Aranda this year for certain.
Someone in my chat the other nite said something that made sense. Aranda was testing out different schemes in our earlier games to get ready for the Bama game. It makes sense. He didn't suddenly forget how to defend. He knew the offense had the ability to keep up in the games so he could try things.