Did I Miss It?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by COTiger65, May 31, 2020.

  1. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    See my post above, good God you are such a fool. Your democrats are now pushing to defund and also abolish the police and don't forget they also want to take your guns away. Gee what can go wrong here.
  2. tzanghi

    tzanghi Founding Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    Lol you really have some displacement issues, Kiki.
  3. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Kiki might be a bit out there but he brings up some legitimate concerns. What was it? 3 years ago when cops wrrd bring deliberately targeted and murdered in Baton Rouge. Dallas and elsewhere.

    And if you don't believe that there is an agenda by powerful people to take away our right go bear arms you are very naive.
  4. el005639

    el005639 Founding Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    All true and there is still a better way to manage that situation. I support the police but will also call out things I see that are wrong.
  5. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Me with displacement issues? You seem more displaced, you are displaced from reality. Reality is this whole Minneapolis thing was an excuse for your democrats to riot and to cause kaos all to destroy Trump and move this country to socialism. Just as the phony Travon Martin and Michael Brown incidents were used. Lies were fed to us by the media about both incidents. Travon and Michael were both thugs and both got what they deserved. In spite of that there was rioting and looting and NFL players were taking the field with hands up in the case of Michael Brown all because of a lie. How does this sit with you?
  6. tzanghi

    tzanghi Founding Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    My point was just that he’s in outrage about all of these liberal positions that I’ve never supported here. He’s attributing every viewpoint that he dislikes to me without me ever actually adopting the viewpoint.
    Winston1 and kcal like this.
  7. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Being a policeman is hard no doubt. They have to protect people and property in a broad range of settings. It’s a high stress job and one where life threatening danger can arise at any moment. I believe 99% of police sign up for the best of reasons and a great percentage serve with the highest distinction.
    However there are always bad apples; those who have joined to feel powerful or fail because of stress. Also many are not suited for the job in other ways but are hired anyway. It’s not a job that pays well enough to hire the best. Many are poorly trained and lead. That leadership both official and union based fails to provide or hold them to any standard.
    As a result too often a bad policeman will do a bad act. It may be provoked or unprovoked. Too often the act is swept under the table and the bad police work is accepted. There are bad acts like George Floyd and the 75 year old in Buffalo. Police have the power to commit just about any act to anyone without consequence.....unless there’s a camera filming. BTW this is happening no matter the political leanings of the leadership. Kamala Harris refused to prosecute police accused of murdering blacks and protected a policeman in Oakland who prostituted a 16 year old girl. Unions are overprotective of bad cops and the “blue silence” prevents police from self enforcing good standards.
    We deserve better! But we need to do better too. We need to be willing to pay for the quality we need. We need to demand leaders to do their job and set and enforce standards.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
    Bengal B likes this.
  8. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Join the club. Caca and a few others in the forum assume that unless you’re in lock step with him, you’re a communist subversive who hates America, whites and Christians. We’re apparently working night and day to overthrow everything that is right and just. most of the time I don’t bother engaging him more than one reply.
    tzanghi likes this.
  9. tzanghi

    tzanghi Founding Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    He literally posted evidence the other day that supported my point over his, and then when I pointed it out he just moved on to a new point. I’m done engaging irrationality lol.
    Winston1 likes this.
  10. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I'm really an idiot...I've been getting myself so worked up about this shit that I literally lie awake at night for hours. So I'm going to reply here and then make an effort, for my own personal well being, to get away from this from this debate for awhile.

    I could be more sympathetic to Buffalo guy - sorry, don't know his name - if it weren't for the overall picture. I'm much more sympathetic for David Dorn, the black grandfather gunned down in his St. Louis store for being such a racist, he tried to stop a looter from stealing a TV. A looter who probably, 30 minutes before, was screaming "black lives matter." No one in the mainstream is talking about David Dorn; why doesn't his black life matter? Here we are nearly 2 weeks out from the murder of George Floyd....4 people have been charged, his actual killer is looking at 40 years if he lives that long in prison, and we've still got millions around the country at this level of outrage? Because a white cop killed a black man, which is racist. At least that's the party line. This was not a random cop killing a black man, murderer and victim knew each other, which to me means there is a very good chance - certainly better than 50%, that race was not the motivation. But that doesn't matter. There's an agenda at work here.

    About the same time Floyd was murdered, a black man here in little old Morgan City - population, 11,000 - shot his black daughter-in-law in the head. Didn't kill her, but if she lives, she'll probably be a vegetable. Since then, there have been 3 demonstrations (peaceful, I grant you) here.....for George Floyd. For that young woman? Zero. At the first demo, the cops had to come move 2 kids out of the street, ages 9 and 12. One was holding a sign that said "Fuck the police" and the other, a sign that said "Fuck white people." While their parents stood on the curb and responsibly did nothing. And BLM thinks cops are their problem? Bad parenting, when there's parenting at all, is their problem. But you'll never hear that even brought into the non-existent "conversation", because you can't accept blame your own problem and then claim to be a victim.

    My last comment, and then I try to force a vacation from FSA on myself. I sympathize for George Floyd's family. I know nothing about him, but I know he didn't deserve to die. Derek Chauvin needs to go to prison; hell, he needs to be strapped to the gurney and face the needles, but Minnesota doesn't do that. So let him rot in a cell, if prison justice doesn't take care of him. Those other 3 cops need to do time as well. But what's going on around the country is no longer about that. The righteous protests about that have been co-opted by those with a different agenda. We're facing an organized insurrection, and the future of our country is at stake. That's bigger than a single numbskull in Buffalo.

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