I know we won but just observing how these refs spotted the ball all day was incorrect. They cost us 2 first downs and a td and gave tenn a couple of first downs. no excuse for not reviewing the td call. those guys were lazy getting in position to see the td. Then well after play over they signal no td. reply ref has the power to stop and review it,
I noticed that Ford appeared to be on the first down line but the refs took forever to mark it and next thing you know the ball is being marked almost a yard back. That was awful. I guess the Jefferson sneak is the one for the almost TD you askin about? Was he in?
Completely agree. I know of at least 4 poor spots I saw. The officiating in the last few games has been very poor.
Sure looked like it, and as someone said on the game thread I believe, as well as Calco Tiger above, it should have been reviewed by the replay booth(notwithstanding the fact that we didn't have any timeouts left). :geauxtige
You game plan to hit Bama in the mouth for 60 minutes. We'll just have to see what happens. Remember that we were pretty badly outmatched against Bama in '08 and '09, but QB inexperience killed us in '08 and bad calls/no calls killed us in '09. Last year, we smacked Bama around pretty good, even when one could argue that we were, again, outmatched. This year, we are NOT outmatched. I'm going to hope that the SEC sends their best to the game--what I really wish is that we could borrow a Big 12 crew for the game (they tend to call good games).