News here said Kyler Murrat has 72 hrs to change his mind and take his name out of the draft. If DW gets the same then there is still hope.
Murray has a MLB baseball draft that enables that option. Kid should play baseball. He has mega leverage being a heisman winner to secure a heafty MLB contract
Yeah, him too. I was thinking Bo, but either would, should tell him the same thing. The heisman jinx actually works in his favor. A career in baseball or death in Buffalo. Taint could be his agent and retire on this one deal alone
nope, all drafted player's signing bonuses, which can be huge,.. are set by mlb, and determined by the order the player is drafted. It is a take it or leave it situation. If he doesn't sign, the drafting team retains his rights and the other teams are not allowed to tamper with him until the next year's draft. All draftees sign a standard minor league contract, and when they reach the bigs they are paid minimum wage for a set number of years. The player's first major league contract is when the sky's the limit. Uhuh. Kid says he wants 15 mil. Lil bit more than the 4.whatever his signing bonus says. He's working it brudder
I just read both DEVIN White’s and Nick Brossette’s letters to us. What an outstanding pair of men we have been blessed to have play for LSU. Hopefully their character and leadership has been inherited by the younger players. If so we can be proud of them and LSU always.