Ha, one dude that no one ever even knew he was much less remember his name now. You don't really want to start this one amigo
Larry Craig and Mark Foley just recently. That's at least two. Teddy is the only liberal that ever dropped his Oldsmobile into the drink with his girlfriend, too. Scumbags are not limited to one political philosophy and you know it.
Well, getting hammered and drowning a chic is bad enough, but this chickenshit does everything he can to shirk responsibility for it. Servant of the people, what a damn hypocrite. Lets see, His brother JF? He have any shenanigans going on? What about the king of the selfie Anthony "I like to show people my" Weiner? Somewhere at the end of this list is a guy named William Jefferson but there are far too many left to connect the dots before we get to him. No amigo, they aren't limited to one side but your side has a whole lot more.
First of all, I have never been a Teddy Kennedy fan, in fact I've been a huge critic right here many times, so stop that shit about "my side". Any notion that Democrats are more scandalous than Republicans is based on Bullshit. You couldn't prove it to save your life. You think I can't produce a looooong list of GOP scumbags?
blah blah blah blah blah I hate dubya blah blah blah blah blah unfunded wars blah blah blah blah need more taxes blah blah blah
No one likes the Kennedy's except old Democrats. I damn sure don't. And that Patrick Kennedy fucker I cannot stand. He believes weed should be illegal because he had a drug problem. So, I can't handle my shit so no one else can either. Screw that dude.