A sitting president's presence never means nothing. I just think the Republicans have gone all out to make this a referendum on Obama when he's gong to be gone soon anyway. The voters are not stupid. They are more irritated at Congressional gridlock and I think this election will be more about replacing incumbents than send a dubious message about Obama. Republican often think that their own distaste for Obama translates to everybody. Obama got elected twice and the second election shocked the GOP. They underestimate the number of people who are fed up with Republicans. The guy running against Landrieu is a stooge with a poor record that he can't run on. Her record blows his away so all he can do is try to paint her with the Obama brush.
Actually, I think the photo was widely circulated by the left. Obama has not been doing a ton of candidate stumping and it's having an impact on locals who are running for office. His voting still encourages those in the base to get out and vote. And I think by and large, voters are stupid. I have no idea what they think. What's clear is they don't run a very good campaign and they have no answer. No idea. We still have the same incompetents out here so I focus on local initiatives for the most part.
Well that was before it came out how much he deceived Americans with stuff like, "If you like your..." Well then you may also since you like to comment on it. I'd even sent someone a text telling them I was baiting you. Right on que.
So the score for deception at this point is: Obama - 1 Republicans - 1,289,091 I guess he's catching up...
Listen it's not where you've been that counts, it's where you're going. The Democratic candidates' actions say it all. They're running from that mo fo. Well, they're trying but that dumbasses' ego is chasing them. I'm sure you heard the comment he made yesterday saying something to the effect that they were his supporters, they'd voted for his policies. Republicans were licking their chops.
oh you sheeple with short memories. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1538-165X.2007.tb00589.x/abstract http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/31/AR2006103101415.html http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.23...20&uid=2&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21104887508727 http://web.mit.edu/clawson/www/polisci/portl/cces/material/MPSA 07 text.pdf just to name a few.