Do you guys agree with our defense celebrating and jumping around like idiots after they make a play...when we're losing. It's like they get beat 2/3 plays, make a play, celebrate, give up a first down. Does this celebration give them a false sense of accomplishment?
When I saw that I felt bad for laughing but couldn't help it. It's like a huge hit after a 50 yard completion.
Maybe it is the lack of having no coach. Its like at work when you have too many chiefs trying to run things. Miles needs to find a D.C. and it needs to happen NOW!
I noticed this also. Near the end of the game, Alem stops Moreno in the backfield and starts crawling on the ground like a dog. Dude, you've given up 45 points!!!! Go back to the huddle and shut up!!!! Maybe if you had made a play in the first 3 and a half quarters we'd have a chance to win this game!!!! Completely agree with the OP. Complete stupid and classless crap.
I agree but in his defense (no pun) he plays with a RETARDED, JACKED-UP look in his eyes ALL the time.......the way defensive lineman/linebackers should.
I don't buy that. Bradie James, Marcus Spears, and Glenn Dorsey would all celebrate WHEN appropriate, and they all had that look in their eyes, only they were coached better and were apparently more respectful to their fans and more aware of the score.