That game is a figment of your (those of you that think you remember) imagination.... It has to be, because there is no way that could've happened. :wave:
Step up to the DVD player, press eject on the remote, take that DVD and burn it. You will feel much better, and also have no memory of that fictitious game either.
Sorry for the late response. Yes it was the brown house (last one) before you get to OTG. The people form OTG owned it (i believe) and rented it to us pretty cheap. There were like 4 of that lived there but seems like there was always a bunch a people there as i think back on it. Must of been the summer of 88 or 89.
I've always loved how Les takes care of his players. Some like to call him weak, but I say he's a good leader and he understands how to get these kids to respect him instead fear him. I'll always takes the former. As for the fake punt...I think Les understands - especially this year - the importance of ending the year with a bang. He needed to belay a lot of doubts about his team before the new season begins again. Someone already alluded to it, but Les is a whole lot smarter than he makes himself appear.
only the second person to use that word. salty knew it by having a belay man when rappelling in the marines.
Belie. be⋅lie verb (used with object), -lied, -ly⋅ing. To show to be false; contradict: be⋅lay verb (used with object) To fasten a rope by turns a round an object or person, so as to secure it.