With this logic, then, everything, every single penny, is Obama's fault... I guess that is the answer you wanted to begin with.
I think that they can protect the interests of the citizens better than the insurance companies who protect their own interests, understandably. A big part of the cost-control problem is the corporate overheads and corporate profits involved. The fox has been in charge of the henhouse for too long.
Nope. Only for what has been spent during his administration. I'll go even farther for you. Lost revenue (let's put quotes around that -- "lost revenue") from the Bush tax cuts are not Obama's responsibility from Day One of his admin....only from the point where they were going to expire, and he chose not to prevent their renewal.
They will never, ever understand this. Given the Government's track history, I don't want them running anything. It's not their job. Their job is to collect taxes, defend us against our enemies and to provide and maintain infrastructure. Every person has a right to the pursuit of happiness, not to have it handed to them.
I would say that the premium charge for profit by the private company is equal to or less than the premium cost of inefficiency by the bureaucracy. And there is essentially no difference if the fox eats the chicken or the donkey steps on its head.
Good thing we have the European socialist model to show the US what right looks like. Seems to be working well for them, right Greece? Italy? Spain? GB?
I disagree. At least with government you can vote someone out. You can't do anything about corporate greed, we are talking about people who sell arsenic as a childhood food if it were allowed.