There are few "independents" in the tea party. And you make my point . . . the traditional republicans and the tea part are headed for a split. Someone's ass will be voted out. The tea party cost the GOP three Congressional seats in the last election by splitting the conservative vote. I think you overestimate the tea party's appeal. Their position on slashing social security and medicare will ensure their marginality. Prove it. WTF are you talking about? You are not paying attention. The Senate has a debt plan endorsed by Obama. You are living in a dream world if you imagine that we can pay our obligations without the money to do so. You mean like the Republicans claiming that the US is on the verge of collapse because of a 9% unemployment rate? :lol:
Just like Red. Compromise means do what the Dems want. Who cares who gets the blame? We're the ones getting crapped on here.
Like Martin said, you don't compromise just for compromise sake. American's are over taxed. Our problem is spending not revenue. If your kids maxed out their credit cards, would you give them more money and ask the credit card to increase their limit? Or would you tell them to live within their means and stop spending money? Can you please explain how the republicans should be blamed when they are the only one's who have written plans and offered a solution? The ball will be in the democrats court. If the democrats want to raise the debt ceiling, then vote for the plan that has been passed.
Most non-partisans lack any sort of brains to understand facts and reality. They plod along, get their political knowledge from the Today Show and are easily swayed by the fear-mongering and emotional manipulation democrats have perfected.
I was talking about non partisans, you're a liberal. I'm sure you're quite a smart fellow, you're just intellectually dishonest when it comes to politics. Conservatives admit they are conservative and are proud of it. Liberals such as yourself love to think of themselves as "moderates" or "non partisan" instead of just admitting where your political views lie. Liberals love to view themselves as "open minded" and admitting their political base interferes with that. You take the side of democrats no matter what the discussion yet you think by calling yourself independent you are somehow fooling anyone around here. If you were truly independent you would at a minimum come down on the side of conservatives/republicans 30-40% of the time in these issues that are discussed but 95% of the time you sound like Harry Reid.