Noted : but that calls to concern WHO is doing the hiring ? The blind squirrel or the one who knows how to keep building a nest ? If for every Brady there’s going to be a Canada I’m worried
I respectfully disagree. Teams like Bama, Fla, Ta&m will see right thur that and destroy us by going old school. Frankly I don’t care about age. There are old coaches out there who relate quite well to the younger players as as mentor/father figure. And when a coach gets that kind if respect, his players will jump thru hoops for him. The 2nd quality I want in our new DC is adaptability. A guy who every week will look at the strengths of the opponent and use the best players and scheme to provide the best defense possible for that opponent. A big shortcoming of Pelini, was that he wanted to stick with his scheme even though our personnel on hand for may have been limited due to injuries, covid, or opt-outs.
I think thats what we all want, adaptability. It would seem that older coaches have issues doing so. Its not really age as much as doing something one way for so long, you are too stubborn to change (consciously or not). Something we are guilty of BTW. Its just easier to say young/hungry minds are the solution to what is a complex problem on both sides of the ball. Motivation and relatability aside....
I agree with pretty much everything here. I just don’t see many of the “older” DCs (who are really not even older guys) having adaptability. Venables is good, but I see guys like Steele, Pelini, and Grantham flailing to hold offenses to under 40. Seems to be the exception more than the rule.