Just about anyone is better than who we have. (Lampooning the plethora of "DC Watch" threads ) But seriously, what do you guys think is taking so long? Recruiting? Do you think Miles is being cautious so he doesn't run into what he did last year - a bad decision? I thought by now we would have someone, especially considering the pool isn't so shallow this time. The Top 4 I hope they are considering: - Ken Norton, Jr (dream) - Ellis Johnson (not possible) - Spaziani (not probable) - Chavis (most probable)
I would've thought if a decision was going to be made and someone brought in, it would've been done by now. Doesn't seem that the outcome will be favorable for us as time lingers on... since the longer we wait to more the likelihood is that these guys will be picked up by someone esle.
It still seems feasible that Peveto gets canned and Mallory assumes the top DC position. Sheesh... I hope not.
That or the Mallory to sole DC thing. But give that blind monkey a little bottle of jack and I bet we'd see more emotion than this season had to offer.
I keep reading/ hearing that changes are coming, but NOTHING has really happened so far. NOTHING that we know of, at least. I'm waiting for Clair, or Parso or anyone else to break some news to us... Tell us a secret!!! :wink: :crystal::geaux::crystal::geaux::crystal:
Well lets be fair about this. Chavis' agent has been contacted about LSU. The wheels are definitely in motion. As much as I think Chavis should be the man, all the i's need to be dotted and t's need to be crossed. I would be happy if we have a DC within the next 10 days.
Doesn't practice start up on the 16th or something? I would hope they figure something out before then.